Saturday, 12 October 2019

CISPR 11-EN 55011 - EMC EMI Testing labs

CISPR 11-EN 55011 - EMC EMI Testing labs
CISPR 11-EN 55011 - EMC EMI Testing labs

EMC EMI - EN 55011 - CISPR 11 Testing for Medical Devices

ITCIndia CISPR 11 testing Laboratory helps your Medical equipment comply with EN 55011 and CISPR 11 standards and reach world markets across. ITC India is having best CISPR 11 Testing Labs to test LED. We provide all types of testing related to CISPR. Call at 08196980555 for CISPR 11 Testing Laboratories.

CISPR 11/ EN 55011

Amendment 2

Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment – Electromagnetic disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement
CISPR 11 is a broadly used international standard for electromagnetic compatibility within Europe for electromagnetic emissions or disturbances from Industrial, Scientific, and Medical, ISM, Equipment. CISPR 11 is conserved by CISPR: the International Special Committee on Radio Interference. It has grown from a simple document to a complex document involving a number of types of products
CISPR 11 applies to a very huge variety of equipment including everything from Wi-Fi systems, microwaves through to arc welders, all of which fall into the industrial, scientific and medical category which can use the ISM license-free bands like 2.4 GHz.
CISPR 11, EN 55011 is a standard covering radiated and conducted emissions. Most products will require an assessment of immunity standards, such as EN 61326-1: Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use; or EN 61000-6-2: Generic Standards Immunity for industrial environments.
It has grown from measuring products at a larger distance (100 meters and 30 meters) for Class A Equipment to measuring them at 3 meters. Class B equipment measurement distances have seen an equivalent degradation of “far-field” radiated emission measurements. This steady erosion of the “laws of physics” is worrisome and a trend to reverse this erosion is overdue in the engineering field of EMC and the EMC Standards arena.

List of tests

Emission Tests

CISPR 11Radiated emissions
Conducted emissions input power
IEC 61000-3-2Harmonic current emissions
IEC 61000-3-3Voltage fluctuation & flicker

Immunity Tests

IEC 61000-4-2Electrostatic discharge immunity test
IEC 61000-4-3Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test
IEC 61000-4-4Immunity to Electrical Fast Transient
IEC 61000-4-5Immunity to Surges
IEC 61000-4-6Immunity to Conducted Disturbances
IEC 61000-4-8Power frequency magnetic immunity test
IEC 61000-4-9Pulse magnetic field immunity test
IEC 61000-4-11Voltage dips
IEC 61000-4-11Voltage interruptions

If Your Buyers Demanding for CISPR 11 Testing – Contact Now!

Kindly send us the following Details, So that we can provide you with a quotation for the same:

  1. Product Name, Technical Specifications, and Brochure
  2. Product Images
  3. Total Number of Samples Required: 2

Wish this blog post will help. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. ITCIndia team looking forward to working with you and get better together!

Mr. Puneet Sharma | Call: 08196980555 | E-mail: ITCIndiaOne@Gmail.Com

Get Instant Quotations, Fill the Enquiry form:

Thursday, 10 October 2019

CISPR 32-EN 55032 - EMC Testing labs

CISPR 32-EN 55032
CISPR 32-EN 55032 - EMC Testing labs
ITCIndia CISPR 32 testing Laboratory helps your multimedia equipment comply with EN 55032 and CISPR 32 standards and reach world markets across. ITC India is having best CISPR 15 Testing Labs to test LED. We provide all types of testing related to CISPR. Call at 08196980555 for CISPR 15 Testing Laboratories.

CISPR 32/ EN 55032

CISPR 32 is a discrete standard formed for Multimedia Equipment having a rated AC or DC supply voltage not exceeding 600 V, but equipment within the scope of CISPR 22 or CISPR 13 is also within the scope of this publication. It incorporates a range of functions which include those in ITE (Information technology), broadcasting, audio, and video equipment. It also includes entertainment lighting control equipment.
In this contemporary world, ITE performs many different functions, features, and capability which were assessed by different compliance standards but now CISPR 32 is a single standard which addresses the case where all different features are integrated instead of having separate compliance standards. This standard is adopted by the European Union.

Two classes of End-User Terminal Equipment Under Test EUT (Class A and Class B) are considered.

The aims of the standard are:

  • To establish requirements which provide an adequate level of protection of the radio spectrum allowing radio services to operate as intended in the frequency range 9 kHz to 400 GHz;
  • To specify procedures to ensure the reproducibility of measurement and the repeatability of results.

Conducted Emissions from the AC mains power ports

Test set up

Radiated Emission- Test set up

Radiated Emissions below 1 GHz

Radiated Emissions above 1 GHz

If Your Buyers Demanding for CISPR 32 Testing – Contact Now!

Kindly send us the following Details, So that we can provide you with a quotation for the same:

  1. Product Name, Technical Specifications, and Brochure
  2. Product Images
  3. Total Number of Samples Required: 2

Wish this blog post will help. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. ITCIndia team looking forward to working with you and get better together!

Mr Puneet Sharma | Call: 08196980555 | E-mail: ITCIndiaOne@Gmail.Com

Get Instant Quotations, Fill the Enquiry form:

Sunday, 8 September 2019

CISPR 15 - EMC Testing labs

ITC India is having best CISPR 15 Testing Labs to test LED. We provide all types of testing related to CISPR. Call at 08196980555 for CISPR 15 Testing Laboratories.
Reference standards for Immunity test in CISPR 15
S. NTestsStandardTitle
1Electrostatic Disruption
This test simulates electrostatic events and evaluates the ability of the EUT to tolerate such events. Testing is performed in accordance with IEC/EN 61000-4-2. All accessible enclosure surfaces and ports are evaluated unless specified as a static-sensitive surface.
IEC 61000-4-2: 2008
 ESD Immunity

Electromagnetic Compatibility—Testing and measurement techniques - Electrostatic discharge immunity test
2Electromagnetic Susceptibility
The Electromagnetic Susceptibility test exposes the equipment under test to a calibrated uniform field of radiated electromagnetic energy. The EUT is continuously monitored while exposed to the required frequency range and field strength. The test chamber, radiating antennas, and calibrated fields meet the requirements of referenced standards
IEC 61000-4-3: 1996
Radio Frequency Immunity
Electromagnetic Compatibility—Testing and measurement techniques - Radiated radiofrequency electromagnetic field immunity test
3Electrical Fast Transient
This test injects a transient/burst interference onto the Mains input power supply and signal I/O lines. The EUT and peripherals are placed on a non-conductive support platform, 10cm above the test ground plane. The EUT is monitored for disturbances during the required exposure time of positive and negative bursts
IEC 61000-4-4: 1995-01 Electrical Fast Transient ImmunityElectromagnetic Compatibility—Testing and measurement techniques - Electrical fast transient/burst immunity
4Lighting Surge
This test simulates a lightning event by inducing transients onto the AC/DC power supply lines in common and differential mode. Testing is performed in accordance with IEC/EN 61000-4-5. The product-specific standard determines the minimum requirement for the exposure to surge transient levels
IEC 61000-4-5: 1995-02 Surge ImmunityElectromagnetic Compatibility—Testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity test
5Conducted RF Immunity
This test injects a disturbance directly onto AC/DC power. Testing is performed in accordance with IEC/EN 61000-4-6. The product-specific standard sets the level, duration, and the frequency range to apply.
IEC 61000-4-6: 1996-04 RF Common Mode ImmunityElectromagnetic Compatibility—Testing and measurement techniques - Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields
6Power Disturbance
This test subjects the EUT to power network faults and “brownouts”. Testing is performed in accordance with IEC/EN 61000-4-11. The EUT is powered up to a nominal voltage, and then software controlled voltage dips and interruptions are introduced
IEC61000-4-11: 1994-06
Voltage Dips and Short Interruptions
Electromagnetic Compatibility—Testing and measurement techniques - Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests
Device Performance Criteria for Immunity Tests
  • Criterion A - The equipment shall continue to operate as intended without operator intervention. No degradation of performance or loss of function is allowed below a performance level specified by the manufacturer when the equipment is used as intended. The performance level may be replaced by a permissible loss of performance. If the minimum performance level or the permissible performance loss is not specified by the manufacturer, then either of these may be derived from the product description and documentation, and by what the user may reasonably expect from the equipment if used as intended.
  • Criterion B - During the test, the degradation of performance is allowed. However, no change in the operating state or stored data is allowed to persist after the test. After the test, the equipment shall continue to operate as intended without operator intervention. The performance level may be replaced by a permissible loss of performance. If the manufacturer does not specify the minimum performance level (or the permissible performance loss), then either of these may be derived from the product description and documentation, or by what the user may reasonably expect from the equipment if used as intended.
  • Criterion C - Loss of function is allowed, provided the function is self-recoverable or can be restored by the operation of the controls by the user in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Functions, and/or information stored in non-volatile memory, or protected by a battery backup, shall not be lost. For each test method, the test standard specifies the appropriate criterion to be met.
This test measures the levels emanating from the EUT into the AC Mains, evaluating the potential for the EUT to cause radio frequency interference to other electronic devices.  The EUT is configured based upon the requirements of the applicable test standard.
This test measures the levels emanating from the EUT, thus evaluating the potential for the EUT to cause radio frequency interference to other electronic devices. Measurement methods are used in accordance with the test standard(s) referenced. The antenna is positioned at several heights while the EUT is rotated 360°. At each antenna height, the receiver scans and records the maximum peak emissions. From the recorded scans, a list of discrete frequencies is developed for that antenna polarity. The antenna is then rotated in polarity and the scan repeated. For each discrete frequency, the turntable is rotated to the determined worst angle and the receive antenna is varied in height from one to four meters for the final maximum emissions. For EUT’s with auto-ranging power supplies, a pre-scan evaluation may be performed to determine “worst-case” radiated emissions.

If Your Buyers Demanding for CISPR 15 Testing – Contact Now!

Kindly send us the following Details, So that we can provide you with a quotation for the same:

  1. Product Name, Technical Specifications, and Brochure
  2. Product Images
  3. Total Number of Samples Required: 2

Wish this blog post will help. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. ITCIndia team looking forward to working with you and get better together!

Mr Puneet Sharma | Call: 08196980555 | E-mail: ITCIndiaOne@Gmail.Com

CISPR 22 - EN 55022 EMC Testing

ITC India is having best CISPR 22 Testing Labs to test LED. We provide all types of testing related to CISPR. Call at 08196980555 for CISPR 22 Testing Laboratories.

CISPR 22 (An EMC standard for Information Technology (IT) Equipment)

CISPR 22 for Radio Disturbance Characteristics-Limits and Methods of Measurement. Applicable for IT equipment with a rated supply voltage not exceeding 600 V.
ITC India Pvt Ltd is a NABL approved lab in electronics, electrical and photometry. BIS approved for all lighting products and TEC approved for Electronics.  We are performing EMI/EMC testing on electromedical, IT equipment, lighting, Laboratory, and household product. Testing is conducted in a shielding room.
CISPR 22 is accepted by most members of the European Community.
CISPR 22 discriminates between Class A and Class B equipment and it gives figures for conducted and radiated emissions for each class. In addition, CISPR 22 requires certification over the frequency range of 0.15 MHz to 30 MHz for conducted emissions. CISPR limits are provided in dBµV
A brief of CISPR22 Limits
Frequency of Emission(MHz)Conducted Limit (DBMV)
Quasi PeakAverage
0.15 - 0.507966
Frequency of Emission(MHz)Conducted Limit (DBMV)
0.15-0.5066 to 5656 to 46
5.00- 30.006050
Frequency of Emission(MHz)Field strength limit(DBMV/M)
30- 8839
Above 96049.5
Frequency of Emission(MHz)Field strength limit(DBMV/M)
31- 8840
Above 96054.0

If Your Buyers Demanding for CISPR 22 Testing – Contact Now!

Kindly send us the following Details, So that we can provide you with a quotation for the same:

  1. Product Name, Technical Specifications, and Brochure
  2. Product Images
  3. Total Number of Samples Required: 2

Wish this blog post will help. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. ITCIndia team looking forward to working with you and get better together!

Mr. Puneet Sharma | Call: 08196980555 | E-mail: ITCIndiaOne@Gmail.Com

Friday, 9 August 2019

Are You Looking for BIS Approved Labs for LED Testing?

BIS Approved Labs for LED Testing
BIS Approved Labs for LED Testing

Are You Looking for BIS Approved Labs for LED Testing?

We are providing LED Lights Testing and Certification as Per BIS Standards in  Mohali, Chandigarh, Mumbai, Chennai, Ahmedabad, New Delhi, Ahmedabad, Pune, Kolkata, Bangalore, India

Are You Looking for led lighting standards testing and certification in India?

If you are looking for LED Testing according to BIS Standards in India, We Can Help You! We are one of the best BIS LED Lights Testing Service Provider in India. We Can do LED Testing as per IEC, EN, ISO, BIS Standard

On this blog, I am not just going to pitch you to hire us for our BIS LED Lighting Testing services but also going to provide a lot of valuable information on what, why, and how we can do LED Testing as per IEC, EN, ISO, BIS Standard. Call on 08196980555 for LED Testing laboratories.

is bis certification mandatory for led lights? Yes, the Bureau of Indian Standards is mandatory For LED Lighting Testing if you are looking for bis-approved led lights testing Labs in India then We are One of The Best BIS Approved laboratories, We can do led lighting standards testing and certification at a reasonable cost.

We promise to deliver perfection with every product by its evaluation and assessment techniques designed with a higher degree of professional competence. Along with its existing abilities and a strong quality system, its certifications from the BIS ensure that standardized products have gone under surveillance carried out by qualified professionals only.

BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards ) is a statutory institution established under the (BIS) Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote the harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality Testing and certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country.

Our products have been placed under special Testing and certification schemes check below:

LED testing As per IS 15885 (PART-2/SEC-13):2012

This standard ensures the Safety of Lamp Control gear for LED Modules. The control gear specified in this standard is designed to provide constant voltage or current at Safety Extra Low Voltage or (HV) higher voltages. Deviations from the pure voltage and current types do not exclude the gear from this standard.

This includes insulation resistance, electric strength, creepage distances, and clearance between primary and secondary circuits, along with:

  • SELV Safety Extra Low Voltage control gears
  • Auto wound control gear
  • Protection against electric shock
  • Isolating control gears
  • Separating control gears

LED testing As per IS 10322 (PART 5/SEC-1): 2012

This Indian Standard was adopted by the BIS after the draft finalized by the Illumination Engineering and Luminaires Sectional Committee had been approved by the Electrotechnical Division Council. This standard covers the safety and photometric requirements. This series consists of photometric requirements that have been incorporated, that specify requirements for fixed general purpose luminaires for use with a tungsten filament, tubular fluorescent, LED Lights, LED modules, and other discharge lamps.

LED testing As per IS 16102 (PART-1):2012

IS 16102 Testing and certification specifies the safety and interchangeability needs, together with the test methods and conditions, required to show compliance of LED Products, LED lamps with integrated means for stable operation, intended for domestic and similar general lighting purposes. This standard ensures that the products cause no danger to the user or surroundings.

We Can Do LED testing as per INDIAN STANDARDS, Hare you can see a list of the Following Indian LED Testing Standards:

  • 16101: 2012 General Lighting - LEDs and LED modules – Terms and Definitions
  • 16102(Part 1): 2012 Self- Ballasted LED Lamps for General Lighting ServicesPart 1 Safety Requirements
  • 16102(Part 2): 2012 Self-Ballasted LED Lamps for General Lighting ServicesPart 2 Performance Requirements
  • 16103(Part 1): 2012 Led Modules for General LightingPart 1Safety Requirements
  • 16103(Part 2): 2012 Led Modules for General LightingPart 2 Performance Requirements
  • 15885(Part2/Sec13): 2012 Safety of Lamp Control Gear Part 2 Particular Requirements Section 13 d.c. or a.c. Supplied Electronic Controlgear for Led Modules
  • 16104 : 2012 c. or a.c. Supplied Electronic Control Gear for LEDModules - Performance Requirements
  • 16105: 2012 Method of Measurement of Lumen Maintenance of solid State Light (LED) Sources
  • 16106: 2012 Method of Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Solid-State Lighting (LED) Products
  • 16107Part 1):2012 Luminaires PerformancePart 1 General Requirements
  • 16107-1:2012 Luminaires Performance Part 2 Particular RequirementsSection 1 LED Luminaire
  • 16108: 2012 Photobiological Safety of Lamps and Lamp Systems

Testing Advantage From us as per BIS STANDARDS :

Achieve worldwide support: by leveraging We have all over the world reach and expertise in regulations and requirements, regardless of where your lighting products are manufactured or sold.
Save time and money: by identifying compliance considerations at the earliest possible stages of the product development process.
Minimize risks:  by testing your lighting products to ensure that they meet all legal requirements for your target markets.
Gain a competitive edge: by delivering lighting products of consistent quality and safety, without compromising time to market.
Benefit from complete solutions: by utilizing our full range of testing, certification, and auditing services.

Why Choose Us For BIS Testing?

We are a leading provider of comprehensive testing services for electrical and LED lighting products. Our global network of technical experts, combined with our state-of-the-art testing laboratories, assure a single-source solution for meeting all applicable requirements, standards, and voluntary schemes. And technical professionals are actively involved in international advisory boards and standards development activities, ensuring the most up-to-date knowledge of current and changing requirements.

Represented in over 5 locations in India, We have an unsurpassed track record of meeting and exceeding the requirements and expectations of our client companies. The brand and our distinctive blue octagon mark are instantly recognized around the globe as symbols of quality and safety Testing and will increase customer confidence in your brand.

We can assist companies in low-cost life testing and evaluating of their products for pre-compliance and compliance testing to schemes such as The Carbon Trust Enhanced Carbon Allowance

If Your Buyers Demanding for LED Testing as Per BIS – Contact Now!

Kindly send us the following Details, So that we can provide you with a quotation for the same:

  1. Product Name, Technical Specifications, and Brochure
  2. Product Images
  3. Total Number of Samples Required: 2

Wish this blog post will help. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. Our team looking forward to working with you and get better together!

Mr Puneet Sharma | Call: 08196980555 | E-mail: ITCIndiaOne@Gmail.Com

Get Instant Quotations, Fill the Enquiry form:

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Motor Efficiency Testing Labs In India

Motor Efficiency Testing Labs In India
Motor Efficiency Testing Labs In India

Are You Looking for Motor Efficiency Testing according to IEC 60034-2-1 / IS 15999 (Part 2/Sec 1)?

If you are looking for Motor Efficiency Testing according to IEC 60034-2-1 Laboratory in India, we Can Help You! we are one of the best Motor Efficiency Testing Service Provider in India. We Can do Motor Efficiency Testing as per  IEC 60034-2-1 / IS 15999 (Part 2/Sec 1) Standard

Motor Efficiency Testing as per IEC 60034-2-1 / IS 15999 (Part 2/Sec 1) Standard

On this blog, I am not just going to pitch you to hire us for our Motor Efficiency Testing services but also going to provide a lot of valuable information on what, why, and how we can do Motor Efficiency Testing as per IEC 60034-2-1 / IS 15999 (Part 2/Sec 1) Standard. Call on  08196980555 for Surge Testing laboratories.

Efficiency test method  IEC 60034-2-1 / IS 15999 (Part 2/Sec 1)

Applicable to:

Rotating Electric Machine: IEC 60034 is introducing to establish methods of determining efficiencies from tests and also to specify methods of obtaining specific losses.
  1. C.  Machine
  2. C. Synchronous
  3. Induction Machine (All Size in scope IEC 60034)
  4. Rotary Converters
  5. AC Commutator Motors
  6. Single Phase Induction Motor

Why high efficient Motors?

  • Save energy
  • Reduce operation cost
  • Reduce harmful greenhouse gases

Order of tests   IEC 60034-2-1

Step No. Description
1First stator winding resistance measurement at ambient temperature
2Remove accessible drive end sealing elements (without dismantling the motor)
3Clause  Rated load temperature test
4Second stator winding resistance measurement (immediately after
5Clause and  Load curve test with torque measurement (immediately after
6Third stator winding resistance measurement (immediately after and
7Clause 6.4.2  No-load test (immediately after third stator winding resistance measurement)
8Fourth stator winding resistance measurement (immediately after 6.4.2)

Determination of loss components must be performed in the following order

9Clause Constant losses (, and
Constant losses to Clause
(Friction and windage losses:
(Iron losses:
10Clause Load losses ( and
Load losses to Clause
(Stator and rotor winding losses
s, including temp. correction)
( and
11Clause Additional load losses ( From a load test with torque measurement)
Additional load losses to Clause
(Residual losses)
12Clause  Calculate total losses
13Clause Calculate the efficiency

Request for Motor Efficiency Testing Report as per IEC IEC 60034-2-1 / IS 15999 (Part 2/Sec 1) 

Why choose us For Motor Efficiency Testing according to IEC 60601-1? 

we are a leading provider of comprehensive testing services for electrical and LED lighting products. Our global network of technical experts, combined with our state-of-the-art testing laboratories, assure a single-source solution for meeting all applicable requirements, standards, and voluntary schemes. And technical professionals are actively involved in international advisory boards and standards development activities, ensuring the most up-to-date knowledge of current and changing requirements.
Represented in over 5 locations in India, We have an unsurpassed track record of meeting and exceeding the requirements and expectations of our client companies. The brand and our distinctive blue octagon mark are instantly recognized around the globe as symbols of quality and safety Testing and will increase customer confidence in your brand.

We can assist companies in low-cost life testing and evaluating of their products for pre-compliance and compliance testing to schemes such as The Carbon Trust Enhanced Carbon Allowance

If Your Buyers Demanding for Motor Efficiency Testing – Contact Now!

Kindly send us the following Details, So that we can provide you with a quotation for the same:

  1. Product Name, Technical Specifications, and Brochure
  2. Product Images
  3. Total Number of Samples Required: 2

Wish this blog post will help. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. Our team looking forward to working with you and get better together!

Mr. Puneet Sharma | Call: 08196980555 | E-mail: ITCIndiaOne@Gmail.Com

Get Instant Quotations, Fill the Enquiry form:

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

ISO 7175 Testing Labs | ISO 7175 Testing Laboratories

ISO 7175 Testing Labs | ISO 7175 Testing Laboratories
ISO 7175 Testing Labs | ISO 7175 Testing Laboratories

Are You Looking for ISO 7175 Testing?

If you are looking for an ISO 7175 Testing Laboratory in India, We Can Help You! We are one of the best ISO 7175 Testing Service Providers in India. We Can do ISO 7175 Testing
On this blog, I am not just going to pitch you to hire us for our ISO 7175 Testing services but also going to provide a lot of valuable information on what, why, and how we can do ISO 7175 Testing. Call on 08196980555 for ISO 7175 Testing laboratories.

Request for Impact Testing Report as per ISO 7175

ISO 7175 Testing ISO 7175 Testing[/caption]
Part 1 - Safety requirements of Children Cots and folding cots for domestic use 
Part 2: Test Methods of Children Cots and Folding cots for Domestic Use 
Internal Length between 900mm to 1400 mm
This standard applies to cots that are Fully assembled and are ready to use. It is possible that additional requirements be applied for cots that can be converted into other items (e.g. changing units, playpens).
This standard does not apply to carry cots, cribs, cradles, rocking and swinging cots
Clause 4 of ISO 7175 part 1 specifies the SAFETY REQUIREMENT apply both before and after testing as per ISO 7175 part 2

Safety Requirement as per ISO 7175 -1

S.NClause Test Requirement
14.2.1Material and surfaceMust meet the requirement of ISO 8124-3
24.2.2Flammability of textile coated textile and plastic coverings  The maximum rate of flame shall be 30 m/s in accordance with ISO 8124-2
34.3Initial stabilityThe cot should not overturn in accordance with ISO 7175-2 (Cl 6.2 ) and protruding partsEdges shall be round and free of burrs and sharp edges screwThis screw shall not be used to fasten components when dismantling the cot for transportation. and decalsShould not be used on the internal surface of cot sides and ends partsIn accordance with ISO 7175-2 and WheelsShould not be fitted exception are there holesNo accessible hole between 7 mm dia and 12 mm dia unless depth is less than 10mm. between cot base and sides and end s25 mm cone shall not pass between cot base and sides and between cot base and ends. in mesh sides and ends7mm cone shall not pass through the mesh openings. between slats of cot base60 mm cone should not pass between two adjacent slats of the cot base. in the mesh of cot base85 mm cone shall not pass through a cot base made of mesh.
144.4.3Head Entrapment on the exterior of the cotIn accordance with ISO 7175 - 2
154.4.4Shear and squeeze pointsIn accordance with ISO 7175 - 2
164.4.5Snag pointsIn accordance with ISO 7175 - 2
174.4.6Locking SystemAll cots should be equipped with at least two locking system
184.4.7Cot baseIn accordance with ISO 7175 - 2
194.4.8Sides and endsIn accordance with ISO 7175 - 2
204.4.9Cot rimNo filing shall be removed from cot rim when testing as per 7175-2, 6.6 bite test
214.5Final StabilityThe cot should not overturn as per cl 6.12 of ISO 7175-2
224.6Mattress size  The distance between mattress and sides shall be less than 30mm
235PackagingThe plastic covering should be tested as per ISO 8124-1
246Instruction for useRead carefully and alphabet size >5mm
Part 2 Test Method: Children’s cot and folding cots for domestic use
ISO 7175 Testing 2
This standard is designed to prevent the child from climbing out. Does not apply to swing and rocking chair.
Test equipment
Test forces must be applied with a suitable object like cones, cones of dia 7mm, 25mm, 45mm, 60mm, 65mm, and 85mm made of plastic or other hard materials are required for applying force.
Measurements/ Testing
1 . Before testing, Assemble and inspect the cot visually. Tight all the fittings. Determine whether exposed edges, screws, bolts, zips, and other fittings are rounded off and do not have sharp edges.
  1. Measure the height of sides, holes, and distance between slats of cot base, mesh width, side slats, clearance between cot base and sides and ends.
  2. Impact testing
  3. Stability tests
  4. Locking and location device
  5. Bend testing
  6. Fatigue testing
  7. Endurance testing
  8. Static loading testing
  9. Inspection
  10. Mechanical testing
 For more information please write

Why Choose Us For ISO 7175 Testing?

We are a leading provider of comprehensive testing services for electrical and LED lighting products. Our global network of technical experts, combined with our state-of-the-art testing laboratories, assure a single-source solution for meeting all applicable requirements, standards, and voluntary schemes. And technical professionals are actively involved in international advisory boards and standards development activities, ensuring the most up-to-date knowledge of current and changing requirements.
Represented in over 5 locations in India, We Have an unsurpassed track record of meeting and exceeding the requirements and expectations of our client companies. The brand and our distinctive blue octagon mark are instantly recognized around the globe as symbols of quality and safety Testing and will increase customer confidence in your brand.

We can assist companies in low-cost life testing and evaluating of their products for pre-compliance and compliance testing to schemes such as The Carbon Trust Enhanced Carbon Allowance

If Your Buyers Demanding for ISO 7175  Testing – Contact Now!

Kindly send us the following Details, So that we can provide you with a quotation for the same:

  1. Product Name, Technical Specifications, and Brochure
  2. Product Images
  3. Total Number of Samples Required: 2

Wish this blog post will help. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. Our team looking forward to working with you and get better together!

Mr Puneet Sharma | Call: 08196980555 | E-mail: ITCIndiaOne@Gmail.Com

Get Instant Quotations, Fill the Enquiry form:

Monday, 17 June 2019

EN/ IEC 62262 Impact Testing Labs | Impact IK Test Laboratories

Impact IK Testing Laboratories
EN/ IEC 62262 Impact Testing Labs | Impact IK Test Laboratories

Are You Looking for Impact Testing according to EN/IEC 62262?

If you are looking for Impact Testing according to IEC 62262 Laboratory in India, We Can Help You! We are one of the best Impact Testing Service Providers in India. We Can do Impact Testing as per IEC 62262 Standard

On this blog, I am not just going to pitch you to hire us for our Impact Testing services but also going to provide a lot of valuable information on what, why, and how we can do Impact Testing as per IEC 62262 Standard. Call on  08196980555 for Impact Testing laboratories.

EN/ IEC 62262 Impact Testing

Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures for Electrical Equipment Against External Mechanical Impacts (IK Code)
The IEC/EN 62262 standard defines an IK code that gives the equipment capacity to resist to mechanical impacts, on all the electrical enclosure surfaces.

Product on which IK is applicable :

  1. Electrical Enclosures
  2. Empty Enclosures
  3. CCTV Cameras
  4. LED street, Roadway, and other lighting products
  5. Light Fixtures and many other products

Reference standards :

  1. IEC 60068-1
  2. 60068-2-75

Relevant product standards

We can execute impact testing describe above to any product standard. For Example:

  1. IEC/BS/EN 61429: Low voltage switch-gear and control assemblies
  2. IEC/BS/EN 62271: High Voltage switch-gear and control gear.
  3. IEC/BS/EN 50130-5 Alarm System (Environment Test Method)
  4. IEC/ BS/EN  60598-1 Luminaries
  5. IEC 62696: Luminaries (Application of IK code as per  IEC/EN 62262)
  6. IEC /BS/ EN 62676-1-1 Video surveillance system for use in security applications.
  7. IEC /BS/EN 62208 Empty Enclosure for Low voltage switch-gear and control-gear assemblies.

Benefits of IK testing

It caters the evidence of the suitability of the enclosure for its intended environment.

  1. More durability
  2. High in demand
  3. Beneficial for the end-user
IK CodeImpact Energy in joules Impact Testing
IK 010.14 J
IK 020.2 J
IK 030.35 J
IK 040.5 J
IK 050.7 J
IK 061 J
IK 072 J
IK 085 J
IK 0910 J
IK 1020 J
IK Code IK 00IK 01 to IK 05IK 06IK 07IK 08IK 09IK 10
Impact Energy-Less than 1 J1 J2 J5 J10 J20 J
R mm (Radius striking element)  -101025255050
Mass in Kgs -
Pendulum Hammer-🗹🗹🗹🗹🗹🗹
Spring hammer-🗹🗹🗹🗷🗷🗷
Free Fall -🗷🗷🗹🗹🗹🗹
Spring Hammer Pendulum HammerFree Fall
Spring HammerPendulum HammerFree Fall

Request for Impact Testing Report as per EN/IEC 62262

Why choose us For Impact Testing according to EN/IEC 62262?

We are a leading provider of comprehensive testing services for electrical and LED lighting products. Our global network of technical experts, combined with our state-of-the-art testing laboratories, assure a single-source solution for meeting all applicable requirements, standards, and voluntary schemes. And technical professionals are actively involved in international advisory boards and standards development activities, ensuring the most up-to-date knowledge of current and changing requirements.
Represented in over 5 locations in India, We have an unsurpassed track record of meeting and exceeding the requirements and expectations of our client companies. The brand and our distinctive blue octagon mark are instantly recognized around the globe as symbols of quality and safety Testing and will increase customer confidence in your brand.

We can assist companies in low-cost life testing and evaluating of their products for pre-compliance and compliance testing to schemes such as The Carbon Trust Enhanced Carbon Allowance

If Your Buyers Demanding for Impact IK Testing – Contact Now!

Kindly send us the following Details, So that we can provide you with a quotation for the same:

  1. Product Name, Technical Specifications, and Brochure
  2. Product Images
  3. Total Number of Samples Required: 2

Wish this blog post will help. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. ITCIndia team looking forward to working with you and get better together!

Mr. Puneet Sharma | Call: 08196980555 | E-mail: ITCIndiaOne@Gmail.Com

Get Instant Quotations, Fill the Enquiry form:

Friday, 22 March 2019

Exit Sign Testing Labs In India

Exit Sign Testing Labs In India
Are You Looking for Exit Sign Testing Labs In India?

Are You Looking for Exit Sign Testing according to IEC 60598-1?

If you are looking for an Exit Sign Testing according to IEC 60598-1 Laboratory in India, We Can Help You! We are one of the best Exit Sign Testing Service Provider in India. We Can do Exit Sign Testing as per IEC 60598-1 Standard

On this blog, I am not just going to pitch you to hire us for our Exit Sign Testing services but also going to provide a lot of valuable information on what, why, and how we can do Exit Sign Testing as per IEC 60598-1 Standard. Call on 08196980555 for Exit Sign Testing laboratories.

Exit Sign Testing as per IEC 60598-1 Standard

S.NO.PRODUCTTesting as per standard
1.Exit SignTest as per IEC 60598-1:
Protection against electric shock
(Clause 8)
  Protection of the enclosure (Clause 9)
  Creepage distances and clearances
(Clause 11)
  Endurance test (Clause 12.3)
  The mechanical strength of screws and
nuts (Clause 14)

Request for Exit Sign Testing Report as per IEC 60598-1

Why choose us For Exit Sign Testing according to IEC 60598-1?

We are a leading provider of comprehensive testing services for electrical and LED lighting products. Our global network of technical experts, combined with our state-of-the-art testing laboratories, assure a single-source solution for meeting all applicable requirements, standards, and voluntary schemes. And technical professionals are actively involved in international advisory boards and standards development activities, ensuring the most up-to-date knowledge of current and changing requirements.
Represented in over 5 locations in India, We have an unsurpassed track record of meeting and exceeding the requirements and expectations of our client companies. The brand and our distinctive blue octagon mark are instantly recognized around the globe as symbols of quality and safety Testing and will increase customer confidence in your brand.

We can assist companies in low-cost life testing and evaluating of their products for pre-compliance and compliance testing to schemes such as The Carbon Trust Enhanced Carbon Allowance

If Your Buyers Demanding for Exit Sign Testing – Contact Now!

Kindly send us the following Details, So that we can provide you with a quotation for the same:

  1. Product Name, Technical Specifications, and Brochure
  2. Product Images
  3. Total Number of Samples Required: 2

Wish this blog post will help. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. our team looking forward to working with you and get better together!

Mr. Puneet Sharma | Call: 08196980555 | E-mail: ITCIndiaOne@Gmail.Com

Get Instant Quotations, Fill the Enquiry form:

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Surge Testing Labs In India

Are You Looking for Surge Testing Labs In India?
Are You Looking for Surge Testing Labs In India?

Are You Looking for Surge Testing according to IEC 61000-4-5?

If you are looking for Surge Testing according to IEC 61000-4-5 Laboratory in India, We Can Help You! We are one of the best Surge Testing Service Provider in India. We Can do Surge Testing as per IEC 61000-4-5 Standard

Surge Testing as per IEC 61000-4-5 Standard

On this blog, I am not just going to pitch you to hire us for our Surge Testing services but also going to provide a lot of valuable information on what, why, and how we can do Surge Testing as per IEC 61000-4-5 Standard. Call on 08196980555 for Surge Testing laboratories.

Request for Surge Testing Report as per IEC 61000-4-5

Why choose us For Surge  Testing according to IEC 60601-1?

We are a leading provider of comprehensive testing services for electrical and LED lighting products. Our global network of technical experts, combined with our state-of-the-art testing laboratories, assure a single-source solution for meeting all applicable requirements, standards, and voluntary schemes. And technical professionals are actively involved in international advisory boards and standards development activities, ensuring the most up-to-date knowledge of current and changing requirements.
Represented in over 5 locations in India, We have an unsurpassed track record of meeting and exceeding the requirements and expectations of our client companies. The brand and our distinctive blue octagon mark are instantly recognized around the globe as symbols of quality and safety Testing and will increase customer confidence in your brand.

We can assist companies in low-cost life testing and evaluating of their products for pre-compliance and compliance testing to schemes such as The Carbon Trust Enhanced Carbon Allowance

If Your Buyers Demanding for Surge Testing – Contact Now!

Kindly send us the following Details, So that we can provide you with a quotation for the same:

  1. Product Name, Technical Specifications, and Brochure
  2. Product Images
  3. Total Number of Samples Required: 2

Wish this blog post will help. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. our team looking forward to working with you and get better together!

Mr Puneet Sharma | Call: 08196980555 | E-mail: ITCIndiaOne@Gmail.Com

Get Instant Quotations, Fill the Enquiry form:

Tuesday, 1 January 2019

ISO 9847 Calibration of Field Pyranometers

ISO 9847 Calibration of Field Pyranometers
ISO 9847 Calibration of Field Pyranometers 

ISO 9847 Calibration of Field Pyranometers by Comparison to a Reference Pyranometer.

Are you looking for your pyranometer to be calibrated, ITC India Pvt Ltd has the facility to calibrate thermopile pyranometer at Lab and onsight. You are most welcome in ITC India Pvt Ltd for Pyranometer calibration. Either you can send the Pyranometer in the Lab or onsight calibration can be facilitated. Write to us at URL 
The calibration method is performed by our highly trained engineers and complies with type IIc Direct beam calibration of pyranometer as per international standard ISO 9847. 
Indoor calibration of field pyranometer is better as compared to outdoor in the following ways.
  • User control of test conditions
  • Results are independent of outdoor conditions
  • User convenience
The precision of the outdoor determination of the calibration factor of a field pyranometer is particularly dependent on sky conditions and solar elevation when performing measurements at low angles. Repeatability within any 21 points or more set of values of the same test scan performed at or near solar noon under stable irradiance conditions should be less than ± 0.5 % of the calibrated value of the instrument. If this requirement cannot be met, indoor calibration should be considered
To maintain performance, recalibration is usually recommended every two years, and a high-quality water-proof connector for the signal cable greatly simplifies the process.

Friday, 14 December 2018

How To Get IP66 Testing And Certification In India?

How To Get IP66 Testing And Certification In India
How To Get IP66 Testing And Certification In India?

IP66 Ingress Protection Testing And Certification

Are you looking for IP66 Testing and Certification Laboratory in India, If yes then you are at the right website We are One of the Best IP66 Testing and Certification Lab in India, Let's introduced with the place which is Best for IP66 Testing And Certification Labs where you can have the best result for IP66 Testing. Call on 08196980555 for IP66 Testing laboratories.

IP66 Testing Labs offers a full range of IP66 Testing services. We have fully equipped to test and approve a wide range of electrical products and equipment for organizational and governmental certifications, from battery chargers and lighting equipment to medical electrical equipment and wireless devices.

IP66 Enclosure - IP rated as "dust tight" and protected against heavy seas or powerful jets of water.

IP66 Defining Characteristics:

  • Complete protection from dust, oil, and other non-corrosive material
  • Complete protection from contact with the enclosed equipment
  • Protection from water, even from powerful jets of water
  • Equivalent to NEMA rated 4 and 4X enclosures
  • Engraving, silk-screening, and anodizing services available
  • Custom with cutouts, insulation, hinges, latches, or locks

IP66 Protection Standards

Refer to the chart below for the ratings of relative protection of electrical enclosures:

IP Rating Protection Description Test Method
IP66 Enclosures Able to protect against powerful water jets Water projected in powerful jets (12.5 mm nozzle) against the enclosure from any direction shall have no harmful effects. Test duration: at least 3 minutes
Water volume: 100 liters per minute
Pressure: 100 kPa at a distance of 3 m
IP66 Protected from total dust ingress. Protected from high-pressure water jets from any direction. IP66 Rating / IP66 Certification: The first digit (6) & the second digit (6) both are described above
For enclosures, the typical waterproof IP ratings are IP66 enclosures. The chart below gives the specifics of what these ratings mean and how they are measured.

What is the meaning of ip66?

IP65 Enclosure - IP rated as "dust tight" and protected against water projected from a nozzle. IP66 Enclosure - IP rated as "dust tight" and protected against heavy seas or powerful jets of water. IP 67 Enclosures - IP rated as "dust tight" and protected against immersion. learn more

What does ip66 waterproof mean?

If you want to light your outdoor area, one solution that may cross your mind is the installation of a light-emitting diode (lighting) lamp. ... Such lights normally have IP65 or IP66 ratings. However, the latter has a more robust waterproof capability, but it is paramount to know what “IP66” means.  Learn More


1. Protected against vertically falling drops of water. Limited ingress permitted.
2. Protected against vertically falling drops of water with enclosure tilted up to 15 degrees from the vertical. Limited ingress permitted.
3 Protected against sprays of water up to 60 degrees from the vertical. Limited ingress permitted for three minutes.
4. Protected against water splashed in all directions. Limited ingress permitted.
5. Protected against jets of water. Limited ingress permitted.
6. Water from heavy seas or water projected in powerful jets shall not enter the enclosure in harmful quantities.
7. Protection against the effects of immersion in water between 15 cm and 1 m for 30 minutes.
8. Protection against the effects of immersion in water under pressure for long periods.


1. Protected against a solid object greater than 50 mm 4pr A-.1 such as a hand.
2. Protected against a solid object greater than 12.5 mm such as a finger.
3. Protected against a solid object greater than 2.5 mm such as a screwdriver.
4. Protected against a solid object greater than 1 mm such as a wire.
5. Dust Protected. Limited ingress of dust permitted. Will not interfere with the operation of the equipment. Two to eight hours.
6. Dust-tight. No Ingress of dust. Two to eight hours.

Why Choose Us For IP65 Testing?

We are a leading provider of comprehensive testing services for electrical and LED lighting products. Our global network of technical experts, combined with our state-of-the-art testing laboratories, assure a single-source solution for meeting all applicable requirements, standards, and voluntary schemes. And technical professionals are actively involved in international advisory boards and standards development activities, ensuring the most up-to-date knowledge of current and changing requirements.
Represented in over 5 locations in India, We have an unsurpassed track record of meeting and exceeding the requirements and expectations of our client companies. The brand and our distinctive blue octagon mark are instantly recognized around the globe as symbols of quality and safety Testing and will increase customer confidence in your brand.

We can assist companies in low-cost life testing and evaluating of their products for pre-compliance and compliance testing to schemes such as The Carbon Trust Enhanced Carbon Allowance

If Your Buyers Demanding for  IP Testing – Contact Now!

Kindly send us the following Details, So that we can provide you with a quotation for the same:

  1. Product Name, Technical Specifications, and Brochure
  2. Product Images
  3. Total Number of Samples Required: 2

Wish this blog post will help. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. Our team looking forward to working with you and get better together!

Mr. Puneet Sharma | Call: 08196980555 E-mail: ITCIndiaOne@Gmail.Com

Get Instant Quotations, Fill the Enquiry form:

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

How To Get IP65 Testing And Certification In India?

IP65 Testing And Certification In India
How To Get IP65 Testing And Certification In India?

How To Get IP65 Testing And Certification In India?

Are you looking for IP65 Testing and Certification Laboratory in India, If yes then you are at the right website We are One of the Best IP65 Testing and Certification Lab in India, Let's introduced with the place which is best for IP65 Testing And Certification Labs where you can have the best result for IP65 Testing. Call on 08196980555 for IP65 Testing laboratories.

IP65 Testing Labs offers a full range of IP65 Testing services. We have fully equipped to test and approve a wide range of electrical products and equipment for organizational and governmental certifications, from battery chargers and lighting equipment to medical electrical equipment and wireless devices.

IP65 Testing And certification

IP65 Rating / IP65 Certification: The first digit 6 shows complete protection against contact with live or moving parts inside the enclosure and against the ingress of dust. Meaning of second digit 5 already described above.
IP Enclosure Ratings and Standards Explained

The IP rating is also known as Ingress Protection or International Protection ratings which are defined to the international standard of EN 60529, BS EN 60529:1992, IEC 60509:1989. These standards are used to define the levels of sealing effectiveness of electrical enclosures against intrusion from foreign bodies such as dirt and water.
The rating consists of the letters IP followed by 2 digits, the first digit stands for the level of protection that the enclosure provides against solid bodies, the second digit describes the degree of protection of the equipment inside the enclosure against water.

IP65 = First Digit - Solids
IP65 = Second Digit - Liquids
Below is easy to follow chart to help you decide which IP rating / IP Codes you may require for your electrical enclosure, Rainford manufacturers IP rated electrical enclosures including IP54, IP65 up to IP

What is an ip65 enclosure?

IP65 Enclosure - IP rated as "dust tight" and protected against water projected from a nozzle. IP66 Enclosure - IP rated as "dust tight" and protected against heavy seas or powerful jets of water. IP 67 Enclosures - IP rated as "dust tight" and protected against immersion. Learn More

Is ip65 waterproof?

Example: With an IP65 rating, the LEDs can be used in an outside setting and are water-resistant but they are not waterproof and are not suitable to be submerged. An IP68 can be submerged in water. Learn more

What are ip65 standards?

we utilize the IEC's standardized International Protection Code system for measuring enclosures' capabilities. The IP Code reflects the degree of protection as "IP" followed by two numbers; the first digit shows the extent to which enclosures are protected against particles and protection to others from enclosed hazards. The second digit indicates the extent of protection against water. We carry IP65 enclosures which offer complete protection against particles, and a good level of protection against water. Because all of our enclosures strictly observe the standards, you can expect first-rate and competitively-priced enclosures.

IP65 Enclosures' Characteristics:

  • Complete protection from dust, oil, and other non-corrosive material
  • Complete protection from contact with the enclosed equipment
  • Protection from water, up to water projected by a nozzle against enclosure from any direction
  • Silk-screening, anodizing, or engraving services available
  • Custom with cutouts, insulation, hinges, latches, or locks
IP 65 Standards for Electrical Enclosure Protection
Refer to the chart below for the ratings of relative protection of electrical enclosures: Learn More 

Is ip65 suitable for outdoor use?

Waterproof Wall Lights for Outdoor Lighting. There is a wide range of wall lights, but not all can be used outdoors; it is recommended to install a wall fitting that is at least IP44 rated so that water would not reach the electricals, or even an IP65 or IP67 waterproof fitting (to be more secure) Learn More

IP Testing Procedure

IP Testing (IEC 60529): IEC 60529 is an international standard designed to give products a determined International Protection Marking according to the IP Code rating. This standard tests the sealing effectiveness of enclosures of electrical equipment against the intrusion of solid particles and liquid. Learn more

Water Resistant and Waterproofing Testing And Certification as Per IP65

We offer waterproof testing along with hundreds of other environmental testing services. Our lab experts are experienced in many industry standards including ISO 20653 and EN/IEC 60529 which outline the procedures and ratings for ingress protection testing. We assist many manufacturers and product developers in qualifying and certifying component durability.

We Can do IP65 Testing And Certification on Common Products That Are Waterproof

  • LED Lights
  • Watches
  • Laptops
  • Phones
  • Tablets
  • Automotive Components
  • Scuba Gear
  • Gauges
  • Cameras
  • Radios
  • Speakers
  • Boots
  • Laugage
  • Gloves
  • Electronic Components
  • Military Components

Why choose Us For IP65 Testing?

We are a leading provider of comprehensive testing services for electrical and LED lighting products. Our global network of technical experts, combined with our state-of-the-art testing laboratories, assure a single-source solution for meeting all applicable requirements, standards, and voluntary schemes. And technical professionals are actively involved in international advisory boards and standards development activities, ensuring the most up-to-date knowledge of current and changing requirements.
Represented in over 5 locations in India, We have an unsurpassed track record of meeting and exceeding the requirements and expectations of our client companies. The brand and our distinctive blue octagon mark are instantly recognized around the globe as symbols of quality and safety Testing and will increase customer confidence in your brand.

We can assist companies in low-cost life testing and evaluating of their products for pre-compliance and compliance testing to schemes such as The Carbon Trust Enhanced Carbon Allowance

If Your Buyers Demanding for  IP65 Testing – Contact Now!

Kindly send us the following Details, So that we can provide you with a quotation for the same:

  1. Product Name, Technical Specifications, and Brochure
  2. Product Images
  3. Total Number of Samples Required: 2

Wish this blog post will help. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. Our team looking forward to working with you and get better together!

Mr. Puneet Sharma | Call: 08196980555 | E-mail: ITCIndiaOne@Gmail.Com

Get Instant Quotations, Fill the Enquiry form: